Trends In SEO: How To Stay Ahead Of The Curve

a guy looking at this laptop at the latest trends in SEO

Discover the latest trends in SEO and learn how to stay ahead in the game in this ever-evolving industry. In this article, we reveal our expert insights on the future of SEO and actionable strategies to boost your rankings and visibility.

Why You Need To Keep Up With Trends In SEO

At this point, we all know about SEO. Keywords, headings, links—there are many different elements of optimizing your blog posts or web pages to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why is it necessary for us to stay updated with the latest trends in search engine optimization? Shouldn’t we simply continue with our current practices? Well, if you want to keep up with the future of SEO, then the answer is no.

Different SEO trends fall in and out of prominence, with Google regularly changing what they put emphasis on in terms of ranking search engine results. This is necessary because it helps the search engine keep up with digital trends elsewhere. Over the past two decades, we’ve seen the growth of voice search, social media, and now artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Because the digital world doesn’t stay static, neither can SEO.

By keeping up with the latest trends in the world of search engine optimization, you can ensure you continue to maintain and expand your reach, allowing you to connect with your audience.

person with a long shirt and blue tie creating an image in black ink on a transparent board about the latest seo trends

Recent Trends In SEO: 2024 and Beyond

We’re now going to take a look at the latest SEO trends that have risen over the past number of months.

Search Generative Experience

AI usage has been on the rise this decade, and a notable change in the way Google operates is the usage of Search Generative Experience. You’ll notice if you Google a question before you see any links, you’ll see an AI-generated answer.

There is a rise in zero-click searches (when someone Googles a question but doesn’t click on any links). This is an SEO trend to keep in mind. Although the SGE still offers sources for its information, it is possible that users rely purely on the AI-generated answer to a search.

It’s more important than ever to have your web page appear higher on SERPs so that at least the SGE may use your content when generating an answer.

Authenticity and Expertise

Increasingly, Google has put an emphasis on expertise and firsthand experience when it comes to articles. This means that it’s not enough to simply provide generic information; you also have to show that you are an authority on the topic.

Consider providing additional information on a topic to consolidate your authority and relate your firsthand experience. In short, you don’t just want an article to discuss a topic, but also to tell readers why they should believe you.

Author Authority

As with the previous point, Google now favors strong author identity. You can consider this to mean an author who is proven to have a good command on a topic.

This can be done by having author bios linked into articles. As well as this, it’s helpful to have guest authors who have a strong presence on the web to talk about the topic.

a female writer with blonde hair sitting in a coffee shop brainstorming the author authority that she would like to establish

User Experience

User experience (UX) has long been a pivotal factor in SEO, and it is growing ever more important each year.

UX is linked to Google’s core web vitals. These are measurements that assess how good the experience of a real-world user is on your website. There are three metrics for measuring core web vitals:

  • Large contentful paint: the loading performance of the page.
  • Interaction to next paint: the responsiveness of the page.
  • Cumulative layout: the visual stability of the page.

Google has made the UX even more important in ranking for SERPs, and this will likely continue to have a great emphasis.

Emphasis On Video SEO

Search engines have long favored the inclusion of video content. And now, more than ever, it’s important to optimize your videos. This can, of course, be done by choosing the right keywords.

In addition, there has been a rise in the popularity of short-form video content. This can be attributed to the fact that social media has become one of the main ways content is consumed and favored with short TikTok videos.

When it comes to choosing topics, it’s worth creating short videos on trending topics.

Authoritative Links

As we all know, links are really important when it comes to SEO content. Ideally, your posts and pages would contain some internal and external links.

We’ve looked at how having a level of expertise on a topic is now being looked upon more strongly in ranking pages. This plays into good use of links. When inserting external links, it’s important to make sure they are

  • functioning
  • linked to relevant sources
  • linked to sources that are authorities on the topic

Future Trends In SEO

So what does the future of SEO hold? Looking at the current digital landscape and SEO trends, it’s possible to make some educated predictions going forward.

Some things we can anticipate based on current trends are:

  1. With the rise of AI-generated content, SERPs will favor content that is well structured and edited with a human touch. This is because we’ve seen a rise in the importance of both author authority and showing firsthand experience.
  2. Videos will continue to become increasingly important and favored by search engines based on current trends. It’ll be increasingly important to have videos optimized correctly with the right keywords. We may well see even more prominence for short-form content.
  3. SGE could cause a headache eventually, as answers are generated from existing content; however, there is nothing to say the existing content being relied upon is itself factual or well-researched. There will need to be something done by search engines to ensure verified content gets viewed favorably.
  4. We could see a rise in the importance of multimedia content on web pages. Web pages will have to do a lot more than simply use keywords and images. It will become increasingly important to have relevant video, audio, infographs, and other features that can be relied on to share information. We could see this crossover into external links, which is to say, links to podcasts and videos may be looked upon more favorably.
  5. Interactive features will become more important to search engines as proof of core web vitals. This means web pages that have engaging content that can also be engaged with will be looked upon more favorably.

While we try to predict the future trends for optimizing web pages, it’s important to note that current SEO best practices should still be followed. Using SEO as a blogger will likely always be important when it comes to getting hits on your posts.

A key consideration for SEO is to consider your target audience and what they will want to read about it. Then, it comes down to writing quality content regularly.

Final Words

Keeping up with the relevant trends in SEO in the world of content creation is key to maximizing your reach and expanding your audience.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, investing in top-tier SEO content creation services is the difference between blending in and standing out. Our expertise goes beyond basic optimization—we offer tailored strategies and AI-to-human editing services that refine your content, ensuring it resonates with both search engines and your target audience.

Ready to crush your content goals? Contact us today to discover how our comprehensive SEO solutions can elevate your brand, boost your visibility, and drive the results you need. Let’s work together to turn your vision into high-impact content that ranks and converts.

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